I remember a time when I used to get candy, flowers, a beautiful card and a nice romantic dinner on Valentine’s Day.
Now it’s a school made card from Girlie Girl and take out from Big City Diner. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I love my special made card and Big City Diner has the best guava baby back ribs in the world! Yum!
This year I thought I’d like to do something fun and hopefully you’ll all join me. How about a Valentine’s Day Goody Swap? I was going to make it a candy swap but thought I’d broaden the options.
Here’s how it works:
If you’d like to participate, just add your link to the Mr. Linky below. You have until January 31st to sign-up.
You will be sending your package to the person next in line. For example, I will sign up first and send my package to the 2nd person who signs up, the 2nd person will send to the 3rd, and so on. The last person will send a package to me. Got it?
In order to try and get to know each other better, I have posted a questionnaire in hopes we learn a little more about you. You can post your answers on your blog or in comments.
It is your responsibility to contact your recepient to obtain their mailing address. Use this opportunity to meet a new blogger and possibly make a new friend!
Beginning February 1st, you may start mailing out your goody packages. Please try to get them to their receivers before February 14th.
You should try to spend somewhere between $8 - $10, not including shipping charges.
As an added incentive, the person who refers the most people to join this event will receive a box of chocolate covered macadamia nut shortbread cookies from me. Make sure they mention your name!
Once you’ve received your goodies, don’t forget to take pictures so we can all see what you got!
Have Fun!
What is your idea of a romantic Valentine’s Day?
unique, something that took a lot of thought, I want to see how important I am.In reality, what is your Valentine’s Day really like?
last minute presents, and if we're lucky going out to dinner by ourselves.If you could have a lifetime supply of your favorite sweet indulgence, what would it be?
DARK CHOCOLATEIs there any sweet treat you absolutely do not like?
can't think of anyIf you fell into a pool of chocolate, how would you get out?
I'd set up camp!!!